
Instagram originally started out as a photo-sharing platform but eventually began to add new features like Instagram Stories, Reels, and IGTV. You can work with your influencer to use any one of these features for promotional content but how do you decide which one? 

In this post, you will learn:

  • How to choose the right format for your campaign? 
  • The value of each feature
  • How each feature format aligns with your campaign objective and strategy.


  • Static images are the most commonly used form of content on Instagram. Photos are ideal for campaigns that want to quickly share a message with an audience. The benefit of photos is that they can be absorbed quickly and at a glance.

  • Videos/Reels are great options for explaining promotions in detail. They can often be more engaging but also more expensive. 

  • Stories are a great way to show relatable content in a progressive sequence. Content can be quickly explained in a series of frames and is conveniently placed at the top of Instagram’s feed.

  • Carousels are a method of combining photos and videos together in a single post to tell a cohesive story. Although they can explain things in detail, they can require more content from the influencer and more attention from the audience.